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The Program by appointment only:

  • Quantitative  EEG
  • Neurofeedback (Neurotherapy}
  • Interpretation
  • Training
  • Monitoring
  • In-home therapy (if desired)

All aspects of the programs are totally:

  • Non invasive
  • Provided in home
  • Healing
  • Individualized
  • Cutting edge technology

Explanations of all aspects of program: Quantitative EEG - a snapshot of what is going in your brain as measured by 19 sensors placed on the scalp to read the brainwaves

  1. Client sits quietly with eyes open for 10 minutes, and eyes closed for 10 minutes while the sensors read the brain activity.
  2. The program reads and records the brain activity
  3. EEG recording is then sent to Brain Science International- a world-class, expert company. This company reads, analyses, and compares these individual brain activities to a huge data base.
  4. Brain Science International then interpets and analyses the data, sends a 400 page report to the technician delineating all problems, dysfunctions, inefficiencies, caused by improper brain wave activity.
  5. Neurofeedback {neurotherapy} protocols are designed to non invasively heal and remediate all brain wave issues.

Neurotherapy Technician (me) goes over this 400 page individualized brain mapping and accurately explains all the findings to the client. A Brainmaster machine is placed in the clients’ home. The individualized neurofeedback protocols are programmed into the BrainMaster machine. Technician explains and trains the client to do the neuro session(20 minutes) daily if desired, for up to 80 sessions. Technician monitors all progress. Once healthy normal brainwave pathways are established, neuro feedback is done and the new pathways do not deteriorate. Healing has occurred. Neurofeedback is used successfully to treat...

  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder- often suffered by Veterans, Police officers, Crime Victims, etc.
  • Childhood trauma of abuse and neglect
  • Anxiety Disorder- suffered by anyone
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  • Depression
  • Attachment/autism
  • Physical complaints
  • Addictions of all types
  • Sleep Difficulties
  • Peak Performance enhancement for athletes

Benefits include

  • Focus/ clarity
  • Attention
  • Reduction of need for medication
  • Peace/relaxation
  • Better energy
  • REM sleep
  • Better health/fewer physical complaints
  • Less need for addictive behavior
  • Reduction of Obsessive/Compulsive behaviors
  • Decreased anxiety and depression

Founder of the program is Barbara Swicegood Fisher, LPC
Barbara has been doing this program for over 15 years and has worked specifically with Reactive Attachment Disordered people, conducted research on the efficacy of this program, has presented at Neuronal Reorganization workshops, and has co-authored many articles and two books, one of which discusses this particular program.

Known nationally for work done healing trauma both through therapy and Quantitative EEG driven neurofeedback, Barbara wants to expand this progressive, non-invasive, in-home program  to many who are in pain for a variety of reasons.

Barbara serves as the technician for all aspects of this program and is available to speak to groups free of charge to explain this brain healing information.

Cost $3200  - By Appointment only

Contact Barbara

Barbara Swicegood Fisher  LPC

Psychotherapist, author, international presenter, metaphysician, teacher

Phone- 404-271-5350                  

Click here to email Barbara


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